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Remove far right photo, move other two photos to page 24 and put on page 23 the following photos: L&J319, L&J323 and L&J 936 2019-12-16 21:59:56
Replace bottom right with L&J 406 and then switch layout to make all photos a little bigger/ closer to same size or switch middle photos for side photos. 2019-12-16 22:23:12
Switch bottom left for L&J 394 and top right for L&J 426 2019-12-16 22:16:24
Move photo of flower girls back to page 52 and zoom in so you can see them 2019-12-16 22:05:21
Move large photo on 48 to 49, and make other 5 photos bigger 2019-12-16 22:06:07
Move all three of these photos so the additional one can fit, keeping the big ones large and the small ones small 2019-12-16 22:06:44
Replace far right with L&J_1149 2019-12-16 22:30:09
Remove far right photo, move other two photos to page 24 and put on page 23 the following photos: L&J319, L&J323 and L&J 936 2019-12-16 21:59:56
Replace bottom right with L&J 406 and then switch layout to make all photos a little bigger/ closer to same size or switch middle photos for side photos. 2019-12-16 22:23:12
Switch bottom left for L&J 394 and top right for L&J 426 2019-12-16 22:16:24
Move photo of flower girls back to page 52 and zoom in so you can see them 2019-12-16 22:05:21
Move large photo on 48 to 49, and make other 5 photos bigger 2019-12-16 22:06:07
Move all three of these photos so the additional one can fit, keeping the big ones large and the small ones small 2019-12-16 22:06:44
Replace far right with L&J_1149 2019-12-16 22:30:09